Wednesday, October 31, 2007
On Podcasts
You see, I'm a book person. I've started listening to audio books in the car just in self-defense, because there aren't enough hours in the day to read all the books I want to read. But I'd rather have the control of the page.
I love book reviews. I started reading the Washington Post review of books on Sundays in 1977, and switched to the New York Times Book Review when I moved to New York in 1980, and when I stopped having time to read the whole Sunday Times, I began subscribing to the NYT Book Review, which I read religiously, even though I tend to be a month behind.
But I don't read a whole review most of the time. I read the first paragraph, then scan, then read the last paragraph. Unless I do it differently. But I get to focus where I want to focus.
There are lots of podcasts that I plan on looking into, as so many news shows have podcasts. I like this idea.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Birthday to You...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I Give Up
Here I am on Zoho, and I am very discouraged. I have seen all the beautiful and creative entries done by other tekkies over the past weeks. I know I'll never reach that level of expertise. But I can't even crop a photo and move it today. And believe me I have tried.
For example, Zoho won't even let me choose font and background color today. Okay laugh at me.
I know I can do applications online; I've done them. I did them years ago before I had a clue, so I think I can do applications if I need to.
I think I may be hoping to have this "Aha" experience if I keep hammering away.
Y'all may have misunderestimated how long it takes
to teach
an old dog new tricks.
What Will They Think of Next?
I am not that easily impressed, but I have to say, these online word processor programs are amazing. I can add this:
...well, I'm still working on it, it was very easy to transfer the picture to the page, but the picture was huge, so, back to the drawing board.
That's what I wanted to do. I don't know if I'm actually learning to do some of this stuff, or if this program is just so much easier than blogspot. I'm hoping it's a little of both. (I was wrong; it's neither.)
It was way easy to transfer this, except for the following:
--The picture disappeared;
--Part of what I wrote is gone. It was about how easy it was to change colors and fonts.
This was through Google Docs, and now I'm going to try Zoho writer. This could take awhile.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Some Thoughts on Wikis
And then there was Colbert, and the power to the people aspect of Wikipedia, with all its anarchist potential.
It was intriguing to learn the origins, and the many other uses, of wikis. I am a bit awed and/or wary of sites that are presenting "information" that anyone can change; I am far more comfortable with blogs, which are naturally going to be influenced by the leaning of the blogger. That's the way it is, and we all (should) know that.
So I looked at the links to some wikis, and they made more sense, because there were limited users. It was as though they were written by committee, but over time and distance, at everyone's leisure. But I felt like I was missing the big picture, because I couldn't myself "wiki" -- an outsider looking in.
So I decided to take the plunge and wiki. On Wikipedia of course. It was a bit scary, knowing that I was making a little change that EVERYONE could see. Then I had to decide what I wanted to edit. Staring off into space, humming a bit. There has to be SOMETHING I know that isn't in Wikipedia.
I looked up the entry for Figs, and learned that it stands for French, Italian, German and Spanish. Okay, wrong figs, back to the drawing board. Try "Fig". Yes, there it is, the fruit. Now, what can I possibly know that nobody has entered yet. Varieties -- I actually own a Lemon Fig, bought it when it was tiny and now it is quite large and after I figured out how to deter the birds, the figs have been plentiful. But under varieties, there is no "Lemon Fig".
So I googled Lemon Fig, just because I did not want to be responsible for misinforming the world about figs, and found that there really truly is a "South Carolina Lemon Fig". Which is now in Wikipedia!
Funny though, that, because it was in Google, and looking every bit as official as -- as a Wikipedia entry, I assumed it was correct, and only just now checked to see that it was a site from the LSU Extension Division....
Friday, October 12, 2007
A Day at the Library -- Take Two

A Day at the Library
Come visit us
at the
James Island Library at:
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Flickr Frustration
So when I went to my blog, and clicked on the link, imagine my chagrine when I saw that the pictures had been displayed RANDOMLY!!!
Yet if you sign in to Flickr as me, they come out just the way I had arranged them, and it is a cute story, if I say so myself.
If anyone has any ideas about this, please share them with me.
Otherwise, when you go to the link (on the last entry), use your imagination, and pretend that the pics are in order.
We don't really snooze at James Island till the workday is done....
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
While Waiting
On the other hand, there are lots of issues surrounding these sites, several of which were brought up during the call-in show:
The most important is the safety of the sites. The information is not anywhere near guaranteed to be accurate. Also, there is no guarantee who is reading the information you are providing on the site. There is a tendency for users to be too personal, or too outrageous, in an effort to be attractive, or noticed.
Interestingly, one of the talk show callers said that she had had a managerial position, and had been very comfortable interacting with people. Since her job changed, and she now spends her time online, she has become less comfortable in social situations.
Another caller who works in a high school said that he was concerned that many schools simply forbid students from using networking sites at school; instead, shouldn't the schools be teaching students how to use this new medium in the best and safest way possible?
Very interesting stuff.