Wednesday, October 31, 2007

On Podcasts

In an attempt to stay with the theme, I found a podcast of the original Library Lady, Nancy Pearl, who does a weekly review of a couple of books. She truly is my hero, and I have her deluxe action figure on my desk. So I'm listening to her talk about what appears to be a really dramatic biography, and find that I'm getting hypnotized by the screen patterns on Windows Media Player. Then I realized that I didn't really want to sit and listen to what was about 5 minutes of this review. So I went back a page and started reading the review. Ah, that's better.

You see, I'm a book person. I've started listening to audio books in the car just in self-defense, because there aren't enough hours in the day to read all the books I want to read. But I'd rather have the control of the page.

I love book reviews. I started reading the Washington Post review of books on Sundays in 1977, and switched to the New York Times Book Review when I moved to New York in 1980, and when I stopped having time to read the whole Sunday Times, I began subscribing to the NYT Book Review, which I read religiously, even though I tend to be a month behind.

But I don't read a whole review most of the time. I read the first paragraph, then scan, then read the last paragraph. Unless I do it differently. But I get to focus where I want to focus.

There are lots of podcasts that I plan on looking into, as so many news shows have podcasts. I like this idea.

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